Ripple Africa is a UK and USA registered charity working with communities on large-scale environment projects across six districts in Malawi as well as local agriculture, education and healthcare initiatives in Nkhata Bay District where the charity first started in 2003.

Around 70% of people in Malawi live below the international poverty line and the population has grown from 5m in 1975 to over 21m today.
Ripple Africa employs 690 staff and has over 13,000 people working on projects on the ground.

The charity strongly believe that the local people can be the solution to many of the challenges they face and that by enabling them, great things can happen. They believe in “providing a hand up and not a hand out”.
The pressure on Malawi’s natural resources is huge and the biggest challenge for the future is to help communities develop a more sustainable approach to the environment.

One of the biggest environmental challenges is deforestation. With the rapid growth in population, acres of forest have been cleared for agriculture.
Since 2004, Ripple Africa has worked closely with farmers and planted over 21m trees and they continue to help communities conserve over 340 sq km of forest.

We want to help them do more. So we have partnered with them to commit to plant one tree for every can of VITAL purchased.
Through the partnership with Ripple Africa we will be helping communities in one of the poorest countries in Africa help themselves and you will be doing it - every time you buy one can of VITAL.